
Insights into building a solid I.T. foundation in the mid-size business world.

Category: Opinion

  • The quagmire of messaging

    I read an article from Wired this morning, Screw Texting. It’s Time to Pick a Universal Messaging App, that really struck a chord with me. The state of texting/messaging is one of those quagmires I think we’ve all simply gotten used to the low-level buzz of aggravation. As an iPhone user, I mostly use the built-in…

  • True visual voicemail

    From Engadget: Apple reportedly wants to turn Siri into your receptionist The long-and-the-short of this story is that Apple is investigating the idea of introducing transcribed voicemail messages to your mobile device, something Google Voice has been doing for a few years now. I’ve been using it for ages (once you install GV, it will walk…

  • Apple still fails at cloud computing

    I’ve been saying for years now that, for as much as I like most Apple products, they simply don’t seem to get cloud computing. Their poor track record is proof positive but, even now, each time they revise their approach I look at it and think, “Eh. STILL not doing it right.” Case in point:…