This is kind of a “101” lesson, but it’s an issue that can really baffle Linux newbies. Ubuntu Linux, when configured to auto-update itself, will update its own kernel. That’s all fine, but the problem is that it retains the old kernel data, which can quickly build up in the standard /boot
partition – a partition that is typically not very large.
fills up, the system freaks out and becomes unstable. So, needless to say, it’s important to clear out those old kernel files every once in a while. Here’s how:
First, check to see what version of the Linux kernel is active:
uname -r
Next, do a directory listing of the contents of /boot:
ls -l /boot
You’ll notice that there are multiple files there w/ the same versions – don’t sweat that – the removal process will remove the corresponding files on a per-version basis.
Starting with the OLDEST version, run the following:
sudo apt-get purge linux-image-<oldest version number>
Repeat for each of the old kernels (but be sure not to accidentally attempt to delete the current, live kernel!).
Also, I typically keep the last version, as well – just in case.
Note that there are many tutorials on this topic, some of which provide a huge, complex-looking single line of code to do all of these steps at once. I’m not a big fan of this, as too many things can go wrong. Better to do this one step at a time, IMO.
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