
Insights into building a solid I.T. foundation in the mid-size business world.

Tag: Mac OS X

  • Search for and delete a specific directory

    Another command I find myself frequently referring to… find . -type d -name <name> -exec rm -rf {} \;

  • Quick Tip: add weather forecast to iCal

    Here’s a fun one, courtesy of hints.macworld.com – be sure to subscribe to the iCal, as per the robg comment, as this will keep it up-to-date… Show daily weather forecasts in iCal as all-day events

  • Disable Mac OS X window zoom effect

    I’m not a fan of cutesy transition effects that essentially do nothin more than slow me down. I found that I can speed up Mac OS X’ UI by disabling the window zoom effect seen whenever opening or closing a window. All it took was this one-line command from the Terminal: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled…