
Insights into building a solid I.T. foundation in the mid-size business world.

Tag: Mac OS X

  • Testing an external mail server

    There are times when I need to test the basic functionality of an external mail server (i.e. one I don’t control). Here’s a step-by-step process to perform some basic testing using telnet: Telnet to the remote server: telnet <server> 25 If it replies, you should get a response like: Trying <server>… Connected to <FQDN>. Escape character…

  • Delete empty directories in *nix

    find <directoryPath> -type d -empty | xargs rmdir Or, alternatively: find <directoryPath> -empty -type d -delete (note that the -delete option implies -depth)

  • Skype v5 for Mac: Web 2.0 design gone bad

    I began writing this post prepared to rant about the many ways I dislike the most recent incarnation of Skype for Mac OS X . Then I stumbled onto this and realized I’d be wasting my time: Five Reasons Why Skype 5.0 for Mac Sucks In the past few weeks, as the new Skype has…