
Insights into building a solid I.T. foundation in the mid-size business world.

Tag: *nix

  • Determine which installed apps are from the Mac App Store

    Been a while, hasn’t it? I started a new job about five months ago that has me doing all sorts of new things, so I’ve been pretty busy. The good part is that I’m starting to develop a few little goodies and tricks to help me do this new job, like this one: Need to…

  • Using conditions to string together multiple *nix commands

    I’m in the process of copying 30gb of data from one remote server to another and, only after I initiated the process did I think “Geez, it’d be nice to have a way for the system to notify me when the copy process completes so I don’t have to feel like I have to monitor…

  • Free, trusted SSL certificates

    SSL certificates, in case you don’t already know, are the mechanism by which one can secure the connection between a user and a web site – they are the “keys” to establishing a secure connection between the endpoints so that transmitted data can’t be intercepted. As someone who’s frequently spinning up Linux VMs to use…