
Insights into building a solid I.T. foundation in the mid-size business world.

Tag: *nix

  • LDAP query to an Active Directory server

    Here’s a great way to test your *nix-based system’s ability to successfully query an Active Directory server from the command line: ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap://<ADserver>:389 -b ‘dc=<domainName>,dc=<topLevelDomain>’ -D ‘<ADdomain>\<userName>’ -w ‘<password>’ ‘(sAMAccountName=<shortName>)’

  • Re-run initial Ubuntu setup routine

    Every once in a while, I find myself wishing I’d installed some package during the initial setup of an Ubuntu system. Fortunately, this simple command give you the chance to re-run that particular step and modify your choices: sudo tasksel

  • Read HFS+ volume on Linux

    When attaching a HFS+ formatted USB drive, Ubuntu 12 reports that I can’t read it because I don’t have permissions. To get around this, run the following command from the command line: gksudo nautilus