
Insights into building a solid I.T. foundation in the mid-size business world.

Category: Opinion

  • Wearable tech

    Aug. 31 Update Well, what do you know? I was right – Google just announced official Android Wear support for iOS! Wearable technologies have been around for a number of years now and has yet to be an area that has really taken off in a palpable way. I know that many expected the release…

  • The state of the I.T. budget union

    Spiceworks just released their annual “2015 I.T. Budget Report” and some of the numbers and priorities mirror my own experience. Some highlights that spoke to me… Although organizations are earning more revenue than in years past, I.T. budgets are not seeing significant increases. I think a number of factors play into this – most notably,…

  • Google has a sense of humor

    This is amazing – ‘bravo!’ to Google (err… Alphabet) on this clever little nod to one of the greatest shows out there. And bonus points for the favicon… Google hid an awesome Easter egg in its Alphabet announcement