I’ve been heavily involved in the implementation of my company’s JAMF Pro (a macOS system management tool) installation over the past year and one of the more powerful abilities of the JAMF system is to utilize shell scripting to expand its capabilities.
Now, I’m no coder but I can muddle my way through shell scripting pretty effectively and have used that skill to create a bunch of customizations for our system. Since the JAMF community is an open one where users share their work for others to use, I figured it was high-time I throw my hat in the ring and add what I can to the user community.
So I’ve posted a collection of scripts and “extension attributes” to my GitHub account (this also has the added benefit of giving me an excuse to finally try and figure out GitHub). There’s nothing really mind-blowing here but, hopefully, someone will find it useful or, at least, crib some code to do something better,
The initial collection, now available at https://github.com/chrisjscott/, includes:
Extension Attributes
- batteryHealth.sh (updated from older scripts I’ve seen)
- encryptionStatus.sh (using fdesetup, as diskutil no longer works w/ 10.13)
- getSite.sh (stores assigned site so you can actually SEARCH on it!)
- lastRestart.sh (I use this to spawn reminders toreboot after 30 days)
- version-OmniGraffle.sh
- version-SentinelOne.sh
- version-Sketch.sh
- version-SketchUp.sh
- version-VMWareFusion.sh
- assignSite.sh (generates a pop-up and prompts for a site to assign to)
- canonDuplexOff.sh (Canon printer drivers install w/ duplex on by default)
- canonDuplexOn.sh
- turnOffFieryNotifications.sh (for printers w/ Fiery RIPs)
- checkForFrontApp.sh (use this to avoid running code when a user may be doing something, like presenting, that you don’t want to interrupt)
- enrollmentCheck.sh (verifies system enrollment in JAMF, intended forSelf Service and as something to reassure end users)
- uninstallMSOffice2011.sh
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